Welcome to the Ansar El Muhammad Portal.  This is the Portal to all of the official sites representing the presence of the Ansar El Muhammad online  ” The Many but One” who function at J’s Temple of Islam.  The Headquarters for the True 2nd Resurrection of Thee Creator, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, Thee Messenger, Thee Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Thee Holy Spirit of Truth, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee Select One, Thee Allah Master J Man.


THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR, Animated Movie Promo

In The Name Of the Creator Master Wallace D Fard Muhammad, The Messenger the Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Never Forgetting Ansar El Muhammad, The Select One, The Allah Master J Man.

Sajada Lahu and As Salaam Alaikum to the Degree of Thee Creators Master Plan.

THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR, Animated Movie, Coming Soon!

A Tribute to Our Saviour, Creator Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad and His Messenger Thee Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, also a gift to Our Divinely Appointed National Representative, Minister Louis Farrakhan from Ansar El Muhammad Thee Select One, Thee Allah Master J Man. 

Please go to https://www.patreon.com/AlifLamMim for more info.
