Welcome to the Ansar El Muhammad Portal.  This is the Portal to all of the official sites representing the presence of the Ansar El Muhammad online  ” The Many but One” who function at J’s Temple of Islam.  The Headquarters for the True 2nd Resurrection of Thee Creator, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, Thee Messenger, Thee Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Thee Holy Spirit of Truth, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee Select One, Thee Allah Master J Man.

Blessed are Those . . .

Blessed are Those Who Overcome Technical Difficulties

In The Name of Thee Creator Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, The Messenger, The Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Holy Spirit, Ansar El Muhammad, The Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J Man.

Sajada Lahu and Asalaam Alaikum to The Degree of The Creators Master Plan.

For all who have registered and logged into AllahMasterJ.com and JsTempleofIslam.com; We say:

Shukran Beloved AEM Family!

Also, We received the reports that there was some login and connection problems and some confusion regarding the website sign up process. We are presently filming a video tutorial that shows the best step by step way to navigate through the Beautiful Ansar El Muhammad websites. We [of course] welcome your feedback on any {Computer or Phone view layout areas} that you notice may need perfecting.

We are an Open Book!

Greetings Beloved Ansar El Muhammad family, it is Because of your cooperative notifications, That We have been blessed and Moved to perfect the registry and login areas of our website pages. In addition, we are busy adding the volumes and volumes of content each day. We worked throughout the weekend and the early part of the week to overcome the issue of our site images not loading. Then By Thee Will and Grace of Thee Most Holy Trinity We were Successful. Shukran!

We spent the day yesterday troubleshooting the links to the 1st fully available Audio Decree of Thee Allah Master J Man and adding the PDF Documents that allow the students to scroll the Book interactive view, while also being able to click and open a Larger Screen View of each page that is easier to Read and Study. We also adjusted the language on the J’s Temple of Islam Pages regarding The Circle of Life Classes; Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

We have been moved to “Open The Gates” even during these stages of perfection as we were moved to understand that the time is now, and that you should wait no longer. As we get closer and closer to the desired state of Perfection, we will be adding the Volumes of Videos, Audio Lessons, written lessons etc. The Department of Supreme Wisdom has taken great care over the years to make sure the proper order, ascending levels, and categories, are appropriately facilitated by the Online University. We assure those of you, who sincerely recognize the excellence we are striving for, will not be disappointed in the least.

An update on overcoming Technical Difficulties

In the Bible Book of Romans 8:28 it states; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love Allah [Thee Great Mahdi, The Lamb, & Thee Holy Spirit], to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Those who have patiently held steadfast to Thee Holy Spirit of Truth, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J Man, whom we also now distinguish as “Thee True Holy Spirit”, as there are many leaders currently claiming to fulfill that scriptural role {which is on time, setting the stage for them to truly be filled with Thee Actual Holy Spirit; {The Latchet of who’s shoes none are worthy to unloose}.

For it is only by this “Holding fast” to Thee True Holy Spirit, Ansar El Muhammad, The Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J Mans, actual Teachings, that all believers and knowers will ever be filled with That Spirit {of Truth}, to properly understand Thee Creator Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, and The Messenger, The Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Then He, The True Holy Spirit, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J Man, fulfills the Foundation of His function, as The Royal Robe of That Ultimate Comforter, by making us Knowers of who controls The Show, which then forces us to turn to the author of all things for the solution to our problems.

As it is [also] by His Divine Decrees, that He ordains this work of properly promoting His Divine Directives [to all] by those of us {functioning in that accord at J’s Temple of Islam}, whom He Vouchsafed and Entrusted to…

To study this lesson, please visit Blessed are Those who Overcome Technical Difficulties
